Increasingly Disappointing
This app has the potential to be something really special and a lot of fun. Digital collecting is so cool, and using the stickers in messages is fun. But theres been a huge increase in difficult sets that you HAVE to spend money on. Completing a set you might be interested in takes an excessive amount of coins, and a free user is going to have a very tough time. There needs to be either an increase in free coins or a decrease in collection difficulty or else a good chunk of the base is going to be driven away by the unfairness. Having a couple hard sets sprinkled in is fine - thats the challenge - but when every other set being released is a very difficult collectors edition, the app loses its charm. I have hopes for it though. I wanna keep collecting because its fun. Its just become frustrating over the last few weeks.
_KTBeth_ about
Quidd: Digital Collectibles, v1.10.4